dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Karen. .
Thank you Karen

Here are the rules.
1. Link your tagger and list the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blog
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Karen have the great idea to tag some of my fellow Sugar Nellie guest DT members so that we can find out a bit more about each other.

Here are the 7 fact about me:
1. I'm not very good to speak en write english hahaha .
2. I'm married for 6 years with my second man Robert.
3. I'm a mother of 4 boys aged 15,13,10 and almost 4 years old.
4. I buy to much things for my hobby cardmaking it's almost a addiction hahaha.
5. I'm a working mom,i work as a nurse by people at home.
6. I sit far too long behind my pc a day.
7. i find it very hard to wright all 7 fact of myself.

So i tagged







4 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Miranda - Sugar Babe :o)
    Thanks for tagging me! I have posted my facts and nominated 7 other people. Thought I will post it forward to some other people than the Sugar Babes (because otherwise they would be tagged multiple times, I guess ;-) ). But I will hop on over to the other Babes' blogs and will have a look at what they have written! I'm so curious and nosy about all of you :o)))
    Love & Smiles

  2. Hi Miranda,thank you for tagging me, I like you am so excited at being chosen as a Guest Designer for Sugar Nellie. I will have a browse around tomorrow and post some facts about me and tag 7 others. Love and hugs Ann (alias Madge) xxx

  3. Hi Miranda, my fellow Sugar Babe! I am so happy and can't believe that I was picked! Thanks for tagging me! I actually was tagged a few weeks back. You can see what I wrote here. Hugs Jeanette

  4. thank you so much for tagging me, I enjoyed reading your facts and so look forward to seeing your new Sugar Nellie creations. I will do my facts soon, I am just back from holiday so it is taking me a while to catch up!


Bedankt voor je reaktie en tot de volgende keer.